Two images from /r/meirl

25 Memes Full Of Relatable Humor

Some of the best kinds of memes are the ones you can relate to, because they just make sense. Relatable memes bring people together in ways normal memes cannot. They describe situations that many people can understand, no matter who they are, which is just great. They are easy to identify because they usually have the phrase "me when," "POV," or something along those lines included in them. They are able to describe and identify super specific situations and emotions, ones that normally wouldn't be thought of as common, but turns out they are.

Everyone loves a relatable meme. They make the world feel more connected, and make people feel less alone. Reddit's /r/meIRL, which stands for "me, in real life," is a great place to find so many relatable memes that will satisfy and speak to anyone's soul, no matter who they are as a person. Here are 25 relatable memes that are such a mood everyone can enjoy them.

So true

Mika I hate how I am a "I have an appointment at 4pm so I can't do anything all day" type of person

(Source: Reddit)

Shuffle does nothing


(Source: Reddit)

Opposites attract

random extrovert that liked me for no reason me, an introvert

(Source: Reddit)


Sometimes all a person needs is that one missing piece a house in the middle of nowhere far away from other people

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, mom

Being an adult - I now realize I called my Momma way too many times while she was at work. FIFA

(Source: Reddit)


I accidentally dropped this plate and noticed it broke perfectly in half. I was so excited about it that I showed my wife. She wasn't as excited as I was about it. I have a feeling the boys will understand.

(Source: Reddit)

It's best not to ask

Me trying not to cry Someone: What's wrong?

(Source: Reddit)

Which is it?

this is a more serious debate 1 2

(Source: Reddit)

Don't wanna go

Me getting ready for the outing i said yes to

(Source: Reddit)

Marketplace things

I can do 4K I'd do 4500 Ok I'm waiting for a deposit into my account then will give you a call thanks I'm not going to take 4,000 You gave Thumbs up I thought you would You sent the thumbs up.

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds right

t VAULT-T O Are you aware that, at every job you've been assigned to, your performance review has been "lacks enthusiasm"? THEIR MERIT No, but that sounds accurate. E

(Source: Reddit)


NASA has successfully crashed a spacecraft into a distant asteroid. ← Replies 561K Dislike 日 28K Х @skillaxgaming1417.7mo ago It took 66 million years but we finally aveneged our Dinosaurs 31K 目

(Source: Reddit)

Getting there

JOSH @maneatsdragon by 25 you should have: maximum of 3 friends PTSD from at least 1 toxic relationship no money in savings

(Source: Reddit)

The best apology

How to apologize to me: For making u upset + $1,000

(Source: Reddit)

All for me

What the packaging says What I see Serves four Serves one BFUK

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty much

My profile picture vs me at work

(Source: Reddit)

What were we supposed to do?

Meistard We really got sat down and served this at 10:30am and just said "aight" Galliker Potomac Farms Lowfat Chocolate Milk SCHOOL MEALS

(Source: Reddit)

Small talk is needed

Moon Dragon @frozenaesthetic how do people who "hate small talk" plan on being in sustained meaningful relationships what are you gonna do "hi honey i'm home do you think freewill truly exists?"

(Source: Reddit)

Wasn't the right sign

insder 000 Every time the universe sends me a sign, I'm like ok but I think I'll wait for a signier sign

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry didn't catch that

me smiling at you because i didn't. hear anything you just said

Every time

Night people when morning people are asleep: Morning people when night people are asleep:

(Source: Reddit)


Did mka @aleDduke In high school I went to a sleepover and the girl I liked climbed into bed with me and she started tickling me and I was like 'hahaha okay well time for bed' and I think about that twice every 5 minutes.

(Source: Reddit)


How anti-social are you? David I can stay in my room for 3 days without getting bored, as long as I have food and a good internet

(Source: Reddit)

Life hack

Tired of boiling water every time you make pasta? Boil a few gallons at the beginning of the week and freeze it for later.

(Source: Reddit)

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