Two science memes from the following collection.

20 Science Memes For The Geek In You

The scientific world is an incredible thing. We can all marvel at the extraordinary feats of Mother Nature all around us, from the basic laws of thermodynamics to Newton's laws of motion. Reddit's /r/sciencememes is a haven for all science geeks, nerds and enthusiasts, mixing internet culture with your favorite natural phenomena. This subreddit does a wonderful job of explaining complex scientific theories and jargon using much easier-to-digest terms, posts and memes.

For some people, many of these jokes could go straight over their heads, especially if you aren't incredibly well-versed in the scientific field, but if you were fairly good at high school, you'd probably understand most of the references made here. This collection aims to poke fun at the various quirks of academic life, making it easier and much more accessible for the layman. If you dreaded studying for your exams when you were in school, you probably won't feel the same way about these memes.

Sharks Got Done Dirty

how sharks are portrayed in the media media how dolphins are portrayed in the media Sharks irl imma do a swim blub blub in the media dolphins irl

(Source: Reddit)

Darwin Going For All The Achievements

DARTY 20 345 Publishing numerous studies on the benefits of genetic diversity ZO Having ten children with your cousin Sprite PUSH Charles Darwin Col PUSH

(Source: Reddit)

Bottom Of The Barrel

Bases Acids Sci-fi writers

(Source: Reddit)


SCHOOL HIS The entire premise of 2 the Matrix movies Basic thermodynamics

(Source: Reddit)

Spin For Dummy's

What is spin, exactly? It's like when a ball spins but it's not a ball. And it doesn't spin.

(Source: Reddit)

Quantum Physics Is A Helluva Drug

What Quantum Physics does to a man Max Planck in 1878 Max Planck in 1901

(Source: Reddit)

Would This Do Anything?

Wakey wakey DURGLO A6

(Source: Reddit)

Putting His Degree To Good Use!

Katie Hannigan @katiehannigan My friend got a degree in egyptology, but can't get a job, So he's paying more money to get a Phd, so he can work teaching other people egyptology. In his case college is literally a pyramid scheme.

(Source: Reddit)


Trick OR Treat Trick NOR Treat 2 Trick AND Treat Trick NAND Treat Trick XOR Treat Trick XNOR Treat @38m01

(Source: Reddit)

Scientists – For Scale!

Biologist Microbiologist Molecularbiologist

(Source: Reddit)

What You See Under A Microscope Is Horrific

Nobody : People who studied microbiology : ....

(Source: Reddit)


ATRADE OFFERA i receive: Protection you receive: A steady supply of energy and propelling organisms into a new age of multicellularity allowing for countless complex species to arise HR's

(Source: Reddit)


STEM357 stem357 Don't even think about it. The (real) scientific method. NO DATA 6

(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)

Technically True!

Ustad @Oye_Dani_ If you die in the same Hospital in which you were Born, Your Average Velocity will be Zero

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Like It To Me

Ancient Greek Astrologers be like... AH YES A GOAT

(Source: Reddit)

Remember The Cat…

Schrödinger's Plates: They are both broken and not broken until you open the door.

(Source: Reddit)

Literal Figures

Fig 1 Table 1 Fig 2

(Source: Reddit)


Can they solve integrals and derivatives? Why do you think animals are inferior? Can you?

(Source: Reddit)

Degrees Are Confusing

celsius: 69° fahrenheit: kelvin:

(Source: Reddit)

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